Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Boomer

I interviewed my aunt Margaret for my baby boomer assignment.

Questions and Answers:
What is your bate? June 20, 1954

What was life like growing up? I had eleven brothers and sisters. I was considered the baby growing up since my youngest brother died when he was a few months old. We lived in a three bedroom house. We mostly only ate the things out of our garden because we could bot really afford the grocery store for food, only needs.My dad worked three jobs while my mom watched the kids. He worked in the Cotton Gin that used to be here and done some side work.

Did your dad or brothers serve in the military? two of my older brothers did because my dad didn't have time.

What was your favorite thing from the 60's? Elvis

What did you think about schools being integrated? I loved it. I had several neighbors that were my best friends and I wondered why they couldn't go to the same school with me. It made it alot more fun having them there.

What did your family think about Civil Right issues? My mom was always against it. She thought that everyone should be equal.

What did you think about the 60's and 70's music? All of my family has always been a big fan of country music. So as long as it was country I loved it.

If you could go back in time and change anything what would it be? I would go back in time before I was born and some how gave my parents some more money so that things could heave been a little easier on us growing up.